
PRP 已用於治療多種皮膚病

PRP 已用於治療多種皮膚病 

PRP 已用於治療多種皮膚病,像是痤瘡、脫髮、皮膚潰瘍、黃褐斑、色素沉著過度和燒傷…等,因PRP有著高濃度的生長因子,在過去十年中已成為治療與皮膚相關的不同疾病的最具希望的選擇。

富含血小板血漿 (PRP) 是一種包含在少量血漿中的血小板濃縮物,由於其高濃度的生長因子,在過去十年中已成為治療與皮膚相關的不同疾病的最具希望的選擇。當PRP是自體來源時,可降低發生不良反應和輸血傳播感染的可能性,因此PRP是對患者的最佳和安全的治療方法。 PRP 已用於治療多種皮膚病,例如痤瘡、脫髮和皮膚潰瘍。PRP的用途還擴展到其他皮膚狀況,例如黃褐斑、色素沉著過度和燒傷,在這些情況下PRP可以刺激組織修復和再生。本文的目的是回顧 PRP 對不同皮膚病學改變的處理和治療。

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a platelet concentrate contained in a small volume of plasma, has become a promising option in the last decade to treat different diseases related to the skin due to its high concentration of growth factors. When it is of autologous origin, it decreases the probability of suffering adverse reactions and transfusion-transmitted infections, thus it is an optimal and safe therapy for the patient. PRP has been used in the treatment of several dermatological conditions such as acne, alopecia, and skin ulcers. Its use has also extended to other skin conditions such as melasma, hyperpigmentation, and burns, where it stimulates tissue repair and regeneration. The purpose of this article is to review the management and treatment of different dermatological alterations with PRP.
Merchán WH, Gómez LA, Chasoy ME, Alfonso-Rodríguez CA, Muñoz AL. Platelet-rich plasma, a powerful tool in dermatology. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2019 May;13(5):892-901.