
PRP 對於乾癬和異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)安全有效

PRP 對於乾癬和異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)安全有效 

研究PRP對於乾癬或異位性皮膚炎的臨床效果顯示,30 名患者中,50% 的患者在最後一次追蹤達到完全緩解,另一半至少達到EASI70,在所有情況下,病變大小逐漸減小,自體PRP治療對所有患者均安全有效。
PRP科技新知- PRP 對於乾癬和異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)安全有效

研究富含血小板血漿 (PRP) 對於乾癬或異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)的臨床效果。

在 53 個月的時間裡,使用自體PRP 治療總共 40 名發炎性皮膚病患者。使用自體血漿 (ACP) 雙注射器製備 5-6 ml PRP 並皮下注射。在治療後的第 3、6、9 和 12 週進行了追蹤。除了病變大小外,還計算了乾癬面積和嚴重程度指數 (PASI) 和異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)面積和嚴重程度指數 (EASI)。在 p≤0.05 的顯著意義上對數據進行統計學評估。

共有 30 名患者接受了乾癬的治療。肘部區域是最常見的治療區域(17 例)。平均病變大小從 8.2 cm² 減少到 0.3 cm² (p<0.00001)。值得注意的是,80% 的患者在最後一次追蹤達到完全緩解 (PASI100)。其餘 20% 至少達到 PASI70。十名患者接受了異位性皮膚炎(濕疹)治療,其中 6 例在手臂上,4 例在腿部上。平均病變大小從 8 cm² 減少到 0.155 cm² (p<0.00001)。值得注意的是,50% 的患者在最後一次追蹤達到完全緩解 (EASI100)。另一半至少達到EASI70。在所有情況下,病變大小逐漸減小。未報告任何不良事件。


Objective: In this study, our aim was to investigate the clinical effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the skin of patients suffering from plaque psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.
Methods: Over a period of 53 months, we treated a total of 40 patients for inflammatory skin diseases with PRP. All of these patients were included in this study; 5-6 ml of PRP were prepared with the autologous-conditioned plasma (ACP) double syringe and injected subdermally. Follow-ups were conducted at three, six, nine, and 12 weeks after treatment. Besides the lesion size, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) were also calculated. Data were evaluated statistically at a significance level of p≤0.05.
Results: A total of 30 patients were treated for plaque psoriasis. The elbow area represented the most common area of treatment (17 cases). The average lesion size decreased from 8.2 cm² to 0.3 cm² (p<0.00001). Of note, 80% of all patients achieved complete remission (PASI100) at the last follow-up. The remaining 20% reached at least PASI70. Ten patients were treated for atopic dermatitis. In six cases, efflorescences on patients’ arms were treated, and in four cases, patients' legs were treated. The average lesion size decreased from 8 cm² to 0.155 cm² (p<0.00001). Notably, 50% of all patients achieved complete remission (EASI100) at the last follow-up. The other half reached at least EASI70. In all cases, the lesion size decreased progressively. No adverse events were reported.
Conclusion: Our study revealed encouraging results for both psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. The autologous treatment was safe and effective in all patients. Further studies are required to validate these initial findings.
Kauhl W, Pototschnig H, Paasch U (October 04, 2021) Can Platelet-Rich Plasma Reduce the Burden of Inflammatory Skin Diseases Such as Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis?. Cureus 13(10): e18472. DOI 10.7759/cureus.18472.